The Sky’s On Fire

Kortfilm: Aviwe Apleni, @longliveavi

På knackig engelska har KULT:s Lovis Bratt Deland frågat om den kreativa processen bakom Aviwe Aplenis animationsdebut. Aviwe Apleni berättar om val av ämne, inspiration och rollen som kreatör.

This was your first time animating – how does the process stand out from other creations from your past?

– Yes, it was my first attempt at animation. The thing that stands out is the sheer amount of time it takes to create an animation from beginning to end. It’s daunting and honestly annoying at times, but the satisfaction of seeing still drawings turn into a moving sequence is a feeling I don’t get often. The struggle against instant gratification is real. I’m doing it all alone so it’s really freeing, but occasionally challenging to stay motivated.

Could it open any new doors?

– It opens some inner doors by nurturing the child in me that used to stay up and draw Goku and imaginary pig men, so that’s the first win. And it’s like having an infinite budget. I can have the exact locations, actors and props I picture in my mind, which feels like a treasure chest, especially coming from an advertising background where compromises often took over. Also, it’s having a resurgence, and it feels good to build on that skill set and add it to the toolkit, should I or anyone else need it. I wouldn’t want my lack of knowledge to stop me from making an idea happen, so I learned, and it sort of spiraled into thirsting for more.

In the description of the video you write “It’s a film that touches on environmental fears, frustration and the futility of arguing” – how do you choose your topics?

– I’m painfully Gemini-y, so my mind is constantly shifting and racing. My process is very instinctual, so I write down my ideas and execute them when the mood strikes. I try not to overthink the subject matter, but I do like making stuff that’s a bit uncomfortable. Uncomfortable communication, expression of identity, stupid social norms, relationships, I like all of that. The ideas that I prioritize usually have some of that, and then some sort of practical challenge. The ones that are a little bit out of reach for me are the ones I’m most motivated to complete.

What makes you feel inspired?

– Other people’s work inspires me. Especially the work of my peers. I’ve got a lot of friends who make amazing music, write some brilliant stuff, and who aren’t afraid to be out here sharing. I love and respect that and it makes me want to match their energy. Having creative people around me really lights a fire. Shoutout to Alonnika for constantly giving me the most honest and useful feedback.

What thoughts and feelings would you like to leave your viewers with, after watching one of your films?

– Hopefully, something about it lingers. Whatever it is – the colours, characters, themes, etc – I’m happy, because those lingering bits are what make a good film for me.